Journey to the Open Tomb: Gethsemane

Gethsemane. The word means “oil press” but so much more than oil was pressed in that peaceful little garden. For on that night, all the sins of all mankind throughout all ages were pressed down on Him. He prayed and His sweat was as great drops of blood. He drank the cup of suffering for us.

Gethsemane is a special place. It is located near the base of the Mt. of Olives. It remains an olive garden today. In fact, there are trees in the oldest part of that garden that reach back toward the time of our Lord. They produce olives to this very day. It is against the law in Israel to cut down a living olive tree.

I am thankful that tourists can enter into the newer part of Gethsemane. It is only open by appointment and under the watch-care of a Catholic order. I have found it to be the most moving place on earth. To kneel under an olive tree that is hundreds of years old and reflect on the suffering of our Lord. It was not possible that the cup pass from Him. My sins were in that cup. And so were yours. He suffered in our place.

If you listen closely you might hear the snoring of disciples or the approach of temple guards. They will take our Lord up a rugged hillside to the house of Caiaphas, the High Priest. The physical suffering will begin in earnest. Peter will deny that he knows Him. The rooster will crow. “Good Friday” has arrived.

Courtyard outside Caiaphas’s house. Peter denying Christ.


 Journey to the Open Tomb: They Crucified Him


Journey to the Open Tomb: In Remembrance of Me