Love God. Love America
Can a Christian love America and love Jesus at the same time? Can a believer honor Christ and honor the U.S. flag in the same service? It may come as a shock to many of you who grew up pledging allegiance to three flags in Vacation Bible School that such a question would be asked. If your answer to those questions is “yes,” then you are considered by some to be a “Christian Nationalist.” You didn’t know there was such a thing, did you?
Generations change and so do ethical standards. Educational systems change and so does educational content. There is much wrong with America. The list is overwhelming. The latest round of tragic murders in our schools, stores and streets points to our depravity. For 50 years in America, a mother’s womb has been the most dangerous place for a child. The redefinition of family and confusion of the sexes have suddenly burst on us. Distrust or hatred because of skin color remains a real issue not to be swept under the rug. A tidal wave of confusion and craziness has rolled over us.
There is much about America that I do not like, but I love America. No Christian loves America to the same degree or level that he loves Jesus. It isn’t even close. Katherine Lee Bates gave us a wonderful hymn when she penned the words to “America the Beautiful.” God DID shed His grace on this country. I thrill to sing of it but not like I thrill to sing of Jesus. When I pledge allegiance to our flag, I am not pledging to “one nation over God.” Let us remember the order: “One nation under God” – without a comma. That comma makes a difference.
One cannot take Old Testament promises, meant for Israel, and apply them to America. That is not a proper way to handle God’s Word. But one can take the principles and precepts of scripture and bring them to bear on our nation today.
“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord and the people whom He hath chosen for His own inheritance” (Psalm 33:12). That verse was written to Israel, but the principle remains.
“Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34). Promise and principle come together in this verse. If you are going to sing “God Bless America,” then this verse better be in the back of your mind. Sin is a reproach to any people.
“If My people who are called by My name shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14). The promise was to Solomon and the people of Israel. That much is clear. The principle is for all believers of all time. Humble. Pray. Seek. Turn. Watch God work.
Throughout this month of July, it is fitting and proper to celebrate America. It is proper to do that in our places of worship. It is very difficult to imagine celebrating our great country and not calling this nation back to God. Everything about our founding was not right, but it was far better than modern revisionist writing makes it out to be.
Perhaps this makes me a “Christian Nationalist.” If so, I am at least glad the “Christian” part comes first.
Take heart, America. Jesus still cares for you – even if you pledge allegiance to the American flag.