Journey to the Open Tomb: Broken and Spilled Out

After Lazarus was raised from the dead, Jesus was invited to their house for a supper. John 12:2 records that Lazarus, who had been dead, sat at the table with Jesus. I wonder what they talked about. They may have discussed things that had never been discussed before. Martha served as she always did.

Mary took a vessel filled with pure nard, perhaps the most valuable possession she owned, and poured it out on Jesus’s feet. It was the best she had and she poured it out in gratitude and worship. She was thankful that Jesus had performed His greatest miracle on her brother. She broke the vessel, poured out the contents and wiped the feet of Jesus with her hair. She did this because she loved Him. The fragrance filled the room.

Mary understood what Judas Iscariot could not. In fact Mary was running ahead of everyone else. Jesus had not died, but already she was anointing Him for burial. The approach of death on a cross was quickly coming and Mary knew that. What seemed a waste to so many was loving preparation for a cross and an open tomb.

One day a plain village woman

Driven by love for her Lord

Recklessly poured out a valuable essence

Disregarding the scorn

And once it was broken and spilled out

A fragrance filled all the room

Like a prisoner released from his shackles

Like a spirit set free from the tomb

Lord you were God’s precious treasure

His love and His own perfect Son

Sent here to show me

The love of the Father

Just for love it was done

And though you were perfect and holy

You gave up yourself willingly

You spared no expense for my pardon

You were used up and wasted on me.

Bill and Gloria Gaither wrote those wonderful words and expressed a common thought. Jesus was broken and spilled out for us. How can we do less than to pour ourselves out for Him?

Traditional home of Mary, Martha and Lazarus


Journey to the Open Tomb: Through Those Gates


Journey to the Open Tomb: Lazarus, Come Forth!