From generation to generation, thou art God.
It’s resolution time in America. My chief resolution is to do something that I have done for nearly 40 years. I resolve to read the Bible through in 2024. It is the best book but not necessarily an easy read. Bible reading requires prioritizing and diligence.
Take Heart Ministries continues to grow and we are so very grateful. From the launch of our website in May of 2022, radio spots in July of 2022, and the addition of Facebook in August of 2022, Take Heart has made strides to continue a thirty year ministry of urging listeners to take heart. Jesus cares for them. He cares for us.
Bro. Monte will be joining his good friend Bro. Manual Seaton at Campground Christian Church for Campground’s annual spring revival meeting. Services will be April 16-20 at 7pm each night. The Singing Disciples will join them Sunday night to lead in worship. The campground is 6 miles south of Meta on highway 133. All are encouraged to join us.
Early in the morning, on the first day of the week, some faithful women made their way to the place where the dead body of Jesus had been entombed. They had prepared spices and they were concerned about how to roll the stone away from the door. We worry about so many things God has already provided.
From the house of Caiaphas, Jesus was led away to Pontius Pilate. Pilate was the Roman Governor and he actually was headquartered in Caesarea Maritime, down by the Mediterranean. He just “happened” to be in Jerusalem. Pilate sent Him across town to Herod. Herod sent Him back to Pilate.
Gethsemane. The word means “oil press” but so much more than oil was pressed in that peaceful little garden. For on that night, all the sins of all mankind throughout all ages were pressed down on Him. He prayed and His sweat was as great drops of blood. He drank the cup of suffering for us.
On the night that Jesus was betrayed, He took bread and broke it and said, “This is my body that is broken for you. Do this in remembrance of me.”
The Shrine of the Book is a museum in west Jerusalem, dedicated to the Dead Sea Scrolls. It is a fascinating visit for anyone interested in the preservation of God’s Holy Word. Scrolls that were buried for 2000 years emerged from the caves around the Dead Sea, well preserved in sands of time.